Separate module

We offer a separate module for Exam training or ONA.

Separate Module

Exam training

• Three lessons per week of 3 hours
• Course duration of 11 weeks (99 hours)
• Price: 1250 euro

Separate Module


• A program for at least 64 hours
• Self study in combination with private guidance by a certified ONA teacher
• Prijs: 1250 euro*

*When purchasing the two modules for integration, we offer you the module for ONA for free


At what level do you speak Dutch? Join us for a free intake interview to determine your level.

*Prices do not include exam.
*Above is an overview of prices, these prices may deviate. Also the compositions of courses may be subject to changes.

Loan from DUO
The cost of each course depends on the duration and different subjects. In some cases you can loan money from DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs). More information is available at:

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